
Ok y'all my husband is driving me freaking 50 shades of cray and not in a good way. I don't like to gripe about him because he really is a good guy, and I know I'm lucky. We are getting down to the wire of baby coming and there is just so dang much to do around the house, none of which I can help with due to bed rest. He works a lot and is on call every other week. Yesterday he was off call and I let him have the week off from extra stuff around the house knowing we would do it all yesterday. When we got up he asked if I cared if he went fishing with his buddies last night. I told him as long as we get stuff done I don't care, thinking he was going much later. I got about 2 hours out of him before he had to start rushing around to get ready to go fishing around 4. So anyway he left to go and he's still not home. He's a die hard. But y'all I am so pissed. And he knows it. I know it could be a lot worse and I am lucky to have him but at the same time I've been getting more depressed every day before this even, and while I'm mad at him I'm also sad and feeling numb and just want to say f*ck it and tell him don't bother coming home. Can anyone relate? Or tell me I'm not crazy? Or that I'm a raging lunatic?