In a rough spot emotionally

My husband and I haven't been seeing eye to eye lately. Nothing too crazy, nothing violent at all nor would it get to that, just emotional pain...
    I've been noticing a lot of distance, communication issues, lack of real conversation... And it hurts. I don't know what's going on, I know it's not cheating, but sometimes I feel like he would just rather not be with me any longer.
   I just took a drive to clear my head and ended up in a parking lot (well lit and near an open store) and I just don't feel like going home right now but I have no one to talk to. 
I love him so much and I know he loves me but I'm terrified we're growing apart. I've tried talking to him, getting him to open up, telling him how I feel...ignoring how I feel to see if I was just overreacting but I can't shake this feeling of doubt...