Baby shower Blues

I have the most unique situation. For the last 6-7 years my husband has been Active Duty Military. The 1st 3 years we lived overseas in Japan. Now we currently live in VA. Both our families live In FL. 
My issue: I have no friends in VA due to no one my husband works for is married, & my work...I'm a nanny. So it's not like reg work where you can have friends. 
My mother & SIL (who's also pregnant) want to throw a shower for me in FL. Great! Problem. All my old friends from high school I see every so often when I visit. But it's only maybe a hand few of friends. They keep asking me who I wanna invite but I feel awkward asking them to come because I don't want it looking like I want a gift only. I'm kinda nervous I'll have anyone there aside from some family. It's a mess. & im stressed 😔