Vivid dreams


I've heard of very vivid dreams during pregnancy, but I've been having nightmares.

Last night, in my dream.... Some guy kidnapped me while holding a gun to my head. He tried to drive out of state, then made me wait i n the car while he stole a couch. At this point, I was telling myself to wake up, and couldn't. In the dream I was trying to sneak my phone to text my mom or husband. He finally pulled into a dentist office parking lot so I could use the restroom. As I was finally calling my mom, he comes in with a machine gun, so I ran into a small little room... Then, finally woke up.

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I've had several nightmares that seemed so clear.  I wish I could say they get better but they happen at the weirdest times but I did have a dream of someone trying to kill me and my husband so you're not alone.  


Posted at
Yup I constantly am having vivid dreams of bad things happening and it always feels so real and I usually remember almost all details  when I wake up