Okay so...

Brooke • NJ. CPhT, Special Care Nurse Supervisor. In school to continue my education to be the best. RIP mi alma gemela 05|01|18- waiting to meet the right person in my life again.
Did anyone every wake up in the TWW with the most bizarre dreams. I woke up when my hubby went to work and kissed him goodbye. I'm off today so I went back to sleep. I'm exhausted today and I worked a really short shift yesterday so I don't know. Hoping for a BFP. ANYWAYS just a warning definitely, going to be a long and semi-confusing post my dream was so confusing. SO, I went back to sleep, I woke up at 12:00 in the afternoon. I haven't done this since I'm probably 17-18 when I used to go out like late at night. We went to sleep at 9:30-10:00 last night after watching minions lol. Don't judge. So, I'm obviously waiting to test. Well this dream.. Just bizarre. So, my one dog is my furchild, he's a rescue and I inherited his two which I love just as equally but mine is also registered to me as a service dog so he will always be my child. So my dream. Is that I was riding this like thing you sit on I'm guessing it was something I invented, well it turned into other things as the dream went on, I was riding it all over main roads around my area. I then got to a neighborhood, got to a house, where one of my old coworkers was. Who I haven't seen in a while might I mention. But she did just have a baby. So anyways I ride right past it. This thing I was riding turns into a scooter! But it wasn't going straight. I was like okay whatever I'll just walk with it, but I was getting so frustrated. Then...all the sudden I look and it's a bike. I was like okay. Mind you I started to look at myself in the dream and notice I'm wearing pajamas the same pants I'm wearing to sleep. But I didn't recognize the shirt but I did have a pregnant belly! Then I went into my old co workers house but the inside was so awkward. I couldn't even explain it if I tried. It had a stair case I had to like swing around. While I was holding the bike on my arm. Anyways....I get to the end of my dream my furchild, his name is Diesel is in a play pen with these people who I assume we're watching him. With two other dogs and blankets almost like a baby play pen but super sized. The two other dogs were like kinda blocked off but not. I was asking how he did to be people as if he was leaving daycare. But he wasn't on a leash or anything. Almost like he was like an actual child to me. It was so odd. So my real question is?! Anyone know of anyone who had some bizarre dreams that lead to a BFP. I know sometimes bizarre dreams, are due to pregnancy. But I am a heavy and vivid dreamer I've been since I was a kid but I haven't in a little while. Or am I just reading into it? What are your thoughts?! Don't be harsh?! I also thought it was just fun to share!