Baby weight

I'm 7&1/2 months prego, and I've gained 23 lbs so far. My belly measures 29 weeks. I know most of this weight is definitely fluids, because my arms are a bit bigger and my legs are as well. Plus my boobs, are a big C now. I may not eat the healthiest, but I don't eat much at all tbh. I eat 3 meals a day maybe sometimes snacks. Not real hungry here lately, and get full fast. I drink lots of water, and every now and then treat myself to some tea or a soda. I walk 1-2 miles everyday plus do 50 squats maybe 3 times a week along with 80 calve raises. I feel proud of myself for how good I'm doing in weight wise, and how in treating myself with food and drinks. I feel like when I have the baby and breastfeed, and all that I'll lose everything real fast. Especially being on a smoothie diet, and eating healthy plus maybe doing walks and mild work outs plus breast feeding. I'm too excited. And I'm more than ready to have this baby. Lol. What y'all think? 😌👌