Baby's heartbeat

I had a checkup today with the Obgyn, and the baby's heartbeat was 141! I'm one happy mama, so relived I got to hear it because it's been 4 weeks. The heartbeat is back and fourth, still feel like I'm having a boy ☺️ they usually say the mama knows. Only 3 more weeks till my next ultrasound, can't wait because then we will get to find out the baby's sex! 
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My little ones heartbeat was 161, then 154, then 135 and then at the last appt it was 155. I wanted a girl, but I had a gut feeling it was a boy. I just knew it. And sure enough at the ultrasound they told me I was having a littleBoy ☺️


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The moment I found out I was pregnant, I KNEW I would have a boy. At 6 weeks, I went crazy (lol) and bought blue socks. At the anatomy scan, there was no mistaking my little man's parts 😉 mommy always knows!


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I always felt like mine was a boy too! My husband looked up the heartbeat theory and was SURE it was a girl since the heart rate was always 160-170. Needless to say, we are having a boy!