Baby Left in shopping cart

Serenity🐠 • Mom to two girls😍
I don't know if this been post yet, but have you guys hear about a mom who forgot her baby in the shopping cart In front of a store? It happen in my state of Arizona and it was 104 that day. She didn't realize her baby was missing until she got home. Thank goodness a off duty officer saw the baby outside and brought it in the store. She did have three of her kids with her, and the baby is 2 month old. To me I don't know how she forgot the baby I also put my daughter car seat in the basket but before I even start loading up the trunk I put the car sea back in the. She's being charge with child endangerment.
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Posted at
And she should be charged..if you can't handle your kids they need to be taken away.


Posted at
I personally know the woman how did it. It's in the town of San Tan Valley about an hour east of Phoenix. She has three kids who are under the age of 10. And A Beauty stylist found the baby. The baby was fine. The parents weren't fined at all because they came back for it. People make mistakes. You can judge someone because of 1 mistake they make. She had such a bad day. All kids crying and throwing a fit while she was shopping. 


Tristyn • Sep 2, 2015
Her husband said that it's not true. Don't believe what you see in TV. It's usually false


Wendi? • Sep 1, 2015
She has been charged with child neglect the news said today.


Posted at
I have zero sympathy for people who are so careless to "forget" their children. In my opinion there is no excuse! So happy to hear the baby was okay, but there have been way too many stories of children left in vehicles or left behind that don't have a happy ending and its solely from neglect. 


Serenity🐠 • Aug 31, 2015
I totally agree, especially it gets so hot here. It took the mom forty mintues to realzie her baby was missing and her two year old daughter was the one to point it out.


Posted at
You never know what's going on with someone unless you are them or was there. Idk how this woman left her child but my guess is she was going through a lot of things and struggled to juggle shopping plus two other children and whatever else is going through her mind.


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How could anyone forget a huge piece of themselves?


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Idiots. You can't forget your own child. Adopted, biological, newborn. Not cool. 0 respect. 


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I just don't see how you don't notice a big ass car seat in your cart... And she has 2 older kids, they didn't notice either?But I like to try to see the best in people most of the time, exhaustion could have definitely played a role. That's why I always quadruple check even if I already know she's back there.


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My heart goes out to that poor baby


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My mom forgot me in the local drug store when I was a baby. She was chasing after two toddlers and she turned around and walked back in right after she walked out. Honest mistake. 


Serenity🐠 • Sep 1, 2015
Yeah same here, shes the first thing I grab when I get out of the cat and the first thing I put in the car.


JS • Aug 31, 2015


JS • Aug 31, 2015
I should have added - I was not trying to defend this lady. What I meant is that she should have clued in just as quickly as she forgot. Little mistakes happen but I can't imagine forgetting a baby that small for that long. I have an almost 3 month old baby and I'm always looking at or checking on h


Posted at
That poor baby...