So I had my c-section and tying my tubes scheduled today. But now I'm freaking out. We already have two kids and our third is on the way. I had an iud this third time and got pregnant with it. Was not planed, but still a blessing. Nerve wracking, not knowing if the iud removal would result in miscarriage, if the pregnancy was ectopic and all those things that come with an iud pregnancy. Now the chances of iud pregnancy are less then 1%. Me and my husband decided to get my tubes tied and his parts snipped, so we will be sure. He was told some serious stuff that may go wrong on his part, so he is not sure if he still wants to do it. I've been reading, that 1 in 200 women will get pregnant after having their tubes tied as well, but it is usually ectopic and will have to be terminated. So now I'm thinking, it's less then 1% chance with an iud and same with the tubes surgery. I'm lost. Is it worth it if he doesn't do it? Should I just get an iud again? Are the symptoms of the tubes surgery that severe? I would appreciate anyone's a opinion on the matter. We love kids, but 3 are handful. We have to send them to college...I can't imagine having a forth one. I feel like I should prevent it, before it happens, because once we found out, we couldn't go against ourselves and God to terminate. Please don't judge..