Belly pictures...

What I don't understand is why all these women are posting belly pictures acting like you're showing. Yes- it's good to get a pre-growth picture, yes- were all eager to see our belly growing with the miracle that is also growing inside of us. But you guys are acting like you're showing already. Your uterus has not grown yet, if you feel bigger it's cause you're bloated, it comes and goes!

I definitely can't wait to see all the actual bumps as our babies grow don't get me wrong!

Okay, hormonal rant over. 😊

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Women that have children already have a trained uterus. A "baby bump" is not the actual baby. Its the uterus expanding. Those that have kids already have a uterus that already knows it should expand and does so sooner. Women with children(and some without) can have a bump in as little as 4 weeks as the hormone progesterone needed to get a positive hpt sends signal to the uterus to expand. So some belly photos are bloat, some are not. With my Second son i was showing at 7 weeks and it did not go away until i went into labor.