Demanded another ultrasound!

Well my last ultrasound was at 6w5d and the lady who schedules the appointments didn't schedule me until the 15th of this month when I will be 10w4d. I thought since I had a missed miscarriage that I would get one evey two weeks or so just to be sure everything is okay and for some added piece of mind but I don't think that lady knew our history. So I called yesterday to ask for an ultrasound this week. Just because today I am at the point where the baby stopped growing last time and my husband and I have been really nervous and worried. I have an appointment tomorrow and we are really praying that everything is perfect! I really have had a good feeling about this pregnancy up until right before I hit 8 weeks. Just because that is when we lost the baby last time. I've also been having the same pinching lower back pain I got right before we found out last time. Although it could just be something I get around this point of being pregnant so it could be fine!! I'm trying to stay as positive as possible because I feel like this is our take home baby but we are both very nervous! Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow morning!!!