Old flame

I've been friends with this girl since we were 15 years old. We're 33 now. About 2 years ago we completely stopped talking because of a stupid disagreement. Then last week she messages me on facebook and we started talking again. My husband and I met up with her and a few friends last night. Well a guy I had feelings for and messed around with when I was about 17 was there. I haven't seen him since we split. We both played it off like we were only old friends because my husband was there. At 1 Point it was just me and the guy talking and he said to me "you're as beautiful as you were when we were younger" totally caught me off guard. I was smiling ear to ear, but said please don't say that. I can't hear it.

So today he's all I can think about. I'd never cheat or leave my husband. But just seeing him again makes me crazy!