New birth control

Azkadellia • Currently just trying to get my body to do what it`s supposed to. Lesbian.
I've been on this pill called Quasense, for about 6 weeks now, I just started the 6th week today. I had a full blown period back about 2 weeks into it, and for the past week I've had bright red blood, whenever I wipe, that turns brown after I take my pill. My gynecologist says its normal, but I have PCOS and I don't even know what my normal is, so how can I expect her to know what is normal for me? 
I've had continuous problems with my period ever since it first started, back a few months after my 11th birthday. I was diagnosed with PCOS almost two years ago, I'm 18 now and still nothing seems to be helping. My gynecologist has me on Metformin to go along with the pills, but honestly that's only seemed to wreck my stomach/intestines terribly. I have to avoid some foods completely now because of it.
And I'm just frustrated, feeling like maybe my gynecologist isn't really helping because she just doesn't understand what's normal for me. I don't honestly know, if this Quasense pill is doing me any food or not, does anyone have any experience with it?