Mother in law

So my mil has been visiting from out of country. She's been with us for 6 months and I'm sure now this pattern will continue that she comes to stay every other 6 months with us. She's a nice lady but cam create problems unintentionally. I've noticed when my hubby is around she acts like a kid and doesn't even help out in any way. When he's not home she acts more normal. There's been times where my husband may be wrong and if she sees that she should speak up but instead like a kid she stays quiet and goes along. The biggest thing that bothers me is how my husband always goes to her for a kiss before going to work. I've never gotten a good bye kiss and I feel it. I don't know how to bring it up. This whole wknd hubby has been working long hours and coming late this morning he starts acting like a kid like I want my mommy I want her to sit by me and I didn't move so his mom comes to the other side of sofa so he can put his head in her lap. I feel this as a wife. His mother shouldn't baby him but she does. I'm trying to remain calm and quiet as she leaves in 3 wks but I'm worried for the next time she comes.

Any sincere advice?