What to do. Kinda long

My 23 yr old step daughter moved in with us last month. She was all I need to get out of here(NY) get away from these people start over .so I said she could come just 1 rule that's it 1. Nobody comes to my house .I have 2 young kids and my SO works 3rd I don't want people I don't know here makes me nervous. Anyway that lasted a few weeks but now she keeps getting on meet me and Facebook whatever and finding different guys to come take her out pick her up. There has been 4 men in the last 2 weeks I finally said something and her father my SO gets mad at me tells me to grow up WTF.... she took off and 3 days later we had to go pick her up in the worst part of the city dealers hookers nasty shit.Her dad did finally agree with me told her shit needs to stop . well he went to work tonight and she has been in and out of the house(so I can't hear) since talking to stranger's trying to find someone to pick her up. How can I sleep when I don't know if she is going to have someone in my house or take off and leave door unlocked ugg can't take it anymore don't know what to do. Should mention she's bipolar can't tell anything without her losing it.