My birthing story. Trenton <3

I was 39 about to be 40 weeks when my little boy came. At first my contractions were not severe enough that that doctors thought I was in actual labor so they told me to walk around the area as long as I could. After about 20 times around I couldn't do it anymore and I sat down. They checked me and said I had gone from 2cm to 4cm. That's when I was taken and they monitored the amount I was dilating. In about 1-2 hours I had gone to 7cm. By this time it was about midnight. 12:00 the following day they had me try practice pushes. In the process of those I started to give fiancé says that the doctor had told him and my father that if I hadn't dilated 2 more cm myself and my baby would have died, but we made it and after 32 mins of pushing my little man had made it into the world. Now he's a happy little 6 month old baby and he's expecting his sibling! Hoping this next baby comes smoothly!