Husband hates pregnancy ( no rant its funny)

So this is our second pregnancy and first time around we had only been dating a year and now it's eight years later and he still thinks pregnancy is weird and gross. He never ooohh and awwws over belly bumps and goes to every doctor apt and makes funny faces the whole time and I love it!!!! It's our kinda marriage and it works and I love torturing him by making him touch my belly when be doesn't notice or throw out gross medical facts. He swears he can't be the only one, and we have a good laugh :) EDIT: I feel like I have to add this! he is beyond excited about this baby since two days before we found out a specialist told him he couldn't have anymore. We got our Doppler in the mail and he was excited to use it but quickly said okay he is fine in there you can stop now with his scrunched face and makes comments that I need to eat more meat because I'm growing a boy in there! So it's not hateful or rude, yes our bodies grow babies and that is amazing but in all reality it is a little freaky too he just focuses on the freaky part a bit more!