I'm I being unreasonable?

So to make this rant short I'll go straight to my issue. Yesterday after a long last I finally got to make it to my appointment ( I had an earlier one that I couldn't go to due to insurance issues) , my fiancé accompanied me and all went well and it was a happy moment for us both. Afterwards we informed in detail his parents about how it went and even showed them the ultrasound pics. Today my fiancé's father has a conversation with him about how it is all nice and good but that he Wants his wife(my fiancé's mother) to accompany me to all of my future appointments cause they as grandparents have a right to be there . Mind you my consent has never been asked. Now I like my future in laws but I don't think that they "have the right to be there" I'm happy to inform afterwards but I don't feel comfortable with the idea of  her being present at my appointments , with my fiancé being there is more than enough cause we are going to be the parents after all. My fiancé agrees with me completely and told his parents nicely and in a polite way , yet they are still feel offended. I'm I wrong or I just don't understand and I should let her come even tho I won't feel comfortable?