How do we heal the relationship?

My boyfriend and I have been together 6 years, lived together for 5 years, and have been friends for 9 years. We recently found out we are expecting a baby girl in Feb. and are beyond happy and excited! Only problem is, we have been growing farther and farther apart. Between my emotions causing us to argue more and the exhaustion associated with pregnancy causing him to do almost everything around the house, we seem disconnected. I've only been restricted from sex by the doctor so that is not helping, because now I'm not interested in it at all! 
We both want to make things work because we love each other, want to get married soon, and be present for our baby. He wants me to help out more at home, and cook more (I work full-time) and he wants me to show him more physical affection (hugs, kisses, sex of course). All I want from him is to be nice to me, he just calls me names now because my emotions are so screwed up and it's making me crazy. 
What should we do? I'm just lost right now. And no, I'm not some young teenager. I'm 23, he's 25. 
Also need to add that I told him I want him to be more Sexual with me, to show me he's into it and wants sex (which he never does, unless it's just flashing his junk at me). His response was "I don't want to have sex with you anyways, you don't please me anymore." Which completely tore me apart. I'm already feeling down about myself because pregnancy is changing my body, and then he confirms my insecurities by saying that.