Pregnancy dreams

I have been having very weird vivid pregnancy dreams any other moms experiencing this at 9 weeks and 5 days. The other night I dreamed I had a little girl too made my heart melt!! 😍😍
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Before I found out the gender of my baby myself, my sister, MIL & SIL all had dreams of a handsome baby boy.. Low & behold I'm pregnant with a son & I'm due November 10th.. So you may be having a girl..


Melissa • Sep 16, 2015
Awe good luck!!


Melissa • Sep 16, 2015
I'm excited for that too! I'm an only child and my husband has an older sister and I feel like he thinks he should of been born first anyway lol


🌌🌺🍄Chelsea🍄🌺🌌 • Sep 16, 2015
That is awesome in total so far I have dream twice that I'm having a little girl and I had a deep down feeling before I had the dream that I was having a little girl I'm due April 11th 2016 (obviously) lol and I don't get to find out gender for another 10 to 12 weeks.


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I have been having crazy dreams too! Some good but mostly bad. My doctor tells me that when I wake up with a bad dream not to stress about it and to just tell myself, "That means I'm going to be a good mommy because I care!" Haha it sounds silly but it does help.


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Last week I dreamt I had another stillbirth baby .I woke up cryinnnnnnnnnnnnn n pray alot. Stupidddddddd dreams.


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Don't trust gender dreams haha I dreamt my son was a girl several times


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It's weird before i found out I was pregnant I had a dream i was pregnant and other dreams where 2 other people were pregnant 2 or 3 weeks later i found out I was pregnant in real life!😌


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I've had the strangest dreams too! I usually sleep too hard to dream but not lately. Last night I dreamt that I had twins. My first ultrasound is tomorrow so I guess I'll find out. 


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Glad to know I'm not the only one!!