Feeling weird

Jeanette • Waiting 😔
Okay so the past few days I've been feeling not myself as much. I get nausea and my chest starts to hurt cause I feel like I'm going to throw up, but I keep calm and I don't gag which is weird. I've been feeling tired and I knock out right when I come home from school, and I even get headaches but little headaches not those extreme ones where I'm like KILL ME NOW just small ones where I still know... I just want to know if it's because my period comes in 5 days and right now my nipples are feeling sensitive (I've never had this feeling before btw) . I haven't been wanting to take a pregnancy test knowing my period comes in a week from now and I don't want to waste the money now so it could possibly come out negative. As well my cervical mucus has changed everyday. For example it comes Sticky, egg white, creamy and I'm just confused what's going on
Can you guys help me out??