What is going on?!

I can pretty much say that I've been on the average 28 day cycle since I started my period almost 14 years ago. And my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">glow app</a> is always fairly accurate-within a day or two. HOWEVER, I was supposed to start my period on Wednesday (9/16) but I started yesterday (9/11). Not only that, but when I woke up this morning (even wearing an overnight pad) my whole lower extremities were drenched in blood- to the point where it made me worried something was wrong. Also *TMI* but had chills last night, upset stomach, and extremely watery stool. (To the point where it sounded like I was peeing.) That may or may not be period related, but its all making me concerned. What could be going on?