Placenta previa?

Kennedy • Married to my soulmate since 7.4.2020!💍💞 We have a 4 year old son, who took a year and a half to conceive! We are expecting baby girl March 11th 2021 after 2 1/2 years of ttc with fertility treatments 💖
So I'm 17 weeks and I had been having severe cramping and felt pressure for about 5 days. Everyone told me to put it off and that it was nothing. I called my midwife and she said go to the er. So I went, they did an ultrasound and they said my placenta has implanted very low and partially over my cervix. They said it's possible throughout the pregnancy it can move upwards meaning I won't have any complications. Also since I'm not 20 weeks they said they couldn't diagnose me with it. But I'm asking for future reference if anyone has had it, what was birth like? Did it subside? I'm pretty scared honestly. This is my first I don't know what to expect. Thanks.
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My sister had full previa. She found out when she hemmoraged at 28 weeks. She was on bed rest for 6 weeks then had an emergency c-section for hemmoraging again. They had her stay in the Ronald McDonald house while she was in bed rest. --side note, that place and the people who operate the house are amazing lovely people!-- Her son came out little but adapted fast and is perfect. He's now 12, and he and his two buddies just won the all boys 18u triathlon for his city. They're 12!!!Now this was an extreme case and he came out perfect. Your placenta will rise, you'll go on to have an amazing pregnancy, delivery and soon enough you'll be snuggling your little one!   Here's to you, and your amazing baby that will soon be the next love of your life!


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It can move but if it doesn't you will need a scheduled c-section. Even if it doesn't move you could still be complication free until delivery. It it's great that you found out now so they can keep an eye on it rather than when you go into labor! I would definitely recommend you start seeing an OB rather than a midwife so that you can be more closely monitored. Hopefully it moves and you don't have to worry about it but if it doesn't, you will need someone who can do a c-section. Good luck to you! 


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I had it's and it moved around 24 weeks


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I had partial previa with my last baby and it moved on its own as my pregnancy progressed. Had a very normal, natural birth, so don't worry. 


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I never had it but I'm an L&D nurse, so we deal with this on a daily basis. Most of the time, placenta previa, even if it is a complete coverage of the cervix, isn't much of an issue. You can't have a natural birth if it doesn't move up on its own while you grow, but as long as you take it easy and only partake in light activity, you should have a happy healthy baby. Sometimes it does move, and all is well. Sometimes it doesn't, and that's okay. The doctor may put you on bed rest or admit you to an antipartum unit later on in your pregnancy(no fun, but precautions have to be taken.) 


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Don't worry! They will just keep an eye on it and if it stays you will have to have a c-section.