Record Birth

How many of you plan on having your SO or who ever will be in the room while you're giving birth record the birth of your child?? 

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Most hospitals will not allow it- but pictures are great!


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My boyfriend wants to, I don't. Don't wanna see that mess 😂😂


✨S✨ • Sep 14, 2015
i said the same thing and now i wish i did.


Trisha • Sep 14, 2015
We decided to go for it. ☺️ as long as my bf doesn't pass out 😂😂😂😩


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Our hospital won't allow it.


🌟CrysAnn🌟 • Sep 14, 2015
its some sort of liability thing.


Trisha • Sep 14, 2015
That sucks 😕


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It depends on how I'm feeling ! My mother will be in the room with us and she's said she'd be willing to video tape it. My boyfriend definitely will not and will be avoiding looking waist down. Poor guy gets queasy 


Amanda • Sep 14, 2015
Amen. i just want it for memories and nostalgia! everything is all hectic i didn't remember a lot from my first! what i do is set the camera off to the side pointing in my direction and then also have my SO recird with phone saying he's taking pictures. lol that way if he's told to stop, i still have my back up


Autumn • Sep 14, 2015
Don't know if the hospital allows it and frankly I don't care. If I want a video of my child's birth then I'll damn we'll get one!


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My memories are enough.


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I dont want my fianceé to be in labour with me he will probably like freak out or slap the doctors when they 'do something stupid' or like be extremely enthusiastic and annoy the shit out of me I'm taking my aunt with me


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I wanted to but hospital said no! So we only have pics 


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No video! If I poop on the table I don't want video documenting that.


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Some hospitals don't allow cameras during delivery.


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I have no interest in a video...I just don't see sitting around watching. Will take photos during certain parts though.