Saw someone post about this so It gave courage to open up about my experiences.... Maybe a little TMI

Michelle Renee
So I'm 26yrs old, one son who will be 7 in November... Tried for baby number two, found out I was prego..found out it was twins at 9w3d..going good, working my nose 3a-12p and fighting the morning sickness, until on my day off last Sunday I went to a grocery store to get sandwiches(I live in ca so it was hot) but anyway I felt a wave of the pukes, went outside to sit down, felt hot/sweaty and then my husband came out of the store I went to go stand up and fainted he tried catching me all the way and I bumped just my head, tried walking after drinking some ice water n fainted upon trying to walk a second time :( went to ERvia ambulance..they said low blood sugar,UTI, and mild dehydration...
two days later we went to have our sizing ultrasound last Tuesday baby A measured 13w1d and baby B at 12w5d, definitely diamniotic, they think they saw two placentas but aren't sure...heartbeats, it was great!...until I went home went to bed and woke up with blood between my legs, of course I freaked out went back to ER where I sat for 5 hrs for nothing except to say maybe slight anemia?! Left that night, went to my OBGYN in the morning since I had every shade of blood (TMI light/dark,red,pink,brown) (from a little gush to only a few drops) 
He listened for their heartbeats..seemed to think my fainting had nothing to do With the bleeding but nonetheless put me on bed rest for a week...the hinted towards permanent disability starting soon...? 
Babies will be about 14weeks on Wednesday....
I will say in addition the first three days I laid in bed ate, slept,drank toke the UTI medication and each day less blood...but any time i try to get in and out of the car etc, is when I have a little gush, not enough to soak a pant liner but enough to make you uncomfortable, ya know? 
The reason why I'm so sad though is because it's pink/red and it's scary I hate seeing it! My husband has been so positive n supportive and waiting on me hand n foot but I am feeling bummed out still and worried for my babies...and when I do open up the only stories people tell me are about how they lost their babies and how they were 17w -19w along and it just breaks my heart, it does, but it scares me more and everyone acts like I shouldn't worry.,.its been a rough week and I'm usually a private person but I needed to vent because I don't think some people understand... Idk....I love both of the babies so much already even if Im only almost 14weeks I can feel them move and they mean the world to me..I can't stand the thought of losing them...