Am I overly attached to my SO?

Ricki • Looking to know I`m not the only one
it's not so much a question but I wanna know if your families feel the same. My family seems to think that all I care about is my boyfriend but it's not true I care and love them too it's just I come home to them every night and see them everyday I get lucky between work and school if I get to see him twice a week. We are still young both about to enter early twenties myself sooner than him. I feel guilty when they say these things to me, they criticize my wanting to be with him and start our own lives but that's just who I am I've always wanted a stable family and a husband who would love and provide for me and ours, but they think I'm jumping the gun on the whole thing my sister thinks I need to go out and experience life the way she is i.e drinking partying and getting stupid drunk but I do t want those things at all. I'm a bit of a control freak and like to feel in control of my life and those things impair that so I do it as little as possible I wanna make them feel needed as well but I can't have my cake and eat it too!