Emotionally and physically broken down

Christina • Cancer survivor, working full-time Mom, pregnant with 2nd daughter
Sorry about my vent...not sure who else would listen or even understand at this point. Was told at both 37 and 38 weeks by two different doctors that they would schedule me for an induction week 39-40 (this week) due to having painful contractions everyday for the past 3 weeks. They last 3-5 hrs and are about 3-5 mins apart usually and then they stop. I have had it emotionally and physically with these contractions and I am still working full time. So today, I had an Ob appointment and saw a PA who told me "no induction" even though my records indicate I should have one scheduled this week. She sent me to the ER for lack of baby movements and to check out the contractions. I got there...baby was fine and then my painful contractions started really acting up for 2.5 hrs and they kept me. I asked to speak to a doctor and all were too busy to talk with me while I was in the ER. The nurses told me they will not schedule an induction until I am 42 weeks because it's hospital regulations and what I am having is "normal". They discharged me. I am so emotionally and physically broken down after today. No one can give me a straight answer about this induction and they honestly don't care about me having these painful contractions every freaking day. I have been to the ER twice for false labor pains already. 42 weeks is 3 weeks away. I barely held on for the past 3 weeks. Broke down in the car after my 4 hour visit to triage. So stressed out from today.