Last Night As A Pregnant Lady! (Hopefully)

Amy • Registered dietitian with a geeky streak.
Been at the hospital over the past 20 hours, going in with contractions 3-5 minutes apart. When I got here, they found my blood pressure to be very elevated. No preeclampsia, but gestational hypertension.  They admitted me with 3cm dilation and 70% effacement at 38+5. As soon as I got in the L&D room, my contractions completely died off and we've been trying to use cytotec to help ripen my cervix in hopes it would move labor along on its own all day. Well, they're sending me to bed tonight to go for pitocin in the morning because they don't want me going too much longer with the high BP, but is controlled with meds right now. Definitely wasn't the plan, but I'm for whatever will be safest for both of us right now. Wish me luck for a good nights sleep tonight so I'm ready for the big day tomorrow! 💕😊I