
I had no idea women 'tweaked' photos to see if they can pull color from pregnancy tests. I just learned about this when I started using Glow just about two months ago. 
At first I jumped on board and started staring intently at these tweaked photos, hoping to see a line. I've even downloaded an app, tweaked some of my own photos, and tweaked photos for other women. 
The last few days have had me thinking about this practice. Is this healthy? Pregnancy tests will tell us very early if we are pregnant, so why isn't that good enough? Why are we allowing ourselves to pine for hours over a tweaked photo to see if a few pixels look like a line? It seems completely insane. Yet, I've been taking part. 
Am I completely off base here? Or are we all a little nuts for doing this? I've also noticed women hanging onto negative tests for hours or days, then thinking they are positive. 
Do we want this so badly that we are being unhealthy? Do you think we are stressing ourselves it to the point we may actually be negatively impacting our cycles/chances of conceiving? 
I don't judge anyone, as I've stated, I've been doing it too. I just feel like we are setting ourselves up for heartbreak. Maybe we should just stop tweaking...