
SassyTee! • Mommy & Daddy's Princess 🎀 M.M.L 4/23/16💜
How's everyone's pregnancy going so far? 
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5 weeks 1 day and I feel super sleepy. I get a couple of cramps here and there, but over all I'm happy and excited! Congratulations ladies!


Demetra • Sep 15, 2015
Congrats hun!!!!


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5w2d, third pregnancy but both previous ones ended in miscarriage  so nervous wreck. Spend half the day positive and half the day negative! Pregnancy line on test is now darker than control which makes me happy. Sore boobs and crampy but no nausea/aversions and sense of smell hasn't improved yet. Would like a hint of something just so I know things are ticking along!


Jo • Sep 15, 2015
Fingers crossed! Just take one day at a time and keep busy! That's what I'm trying my hardest to do!


Abbigail • Sep 15, 2015
In the same boat as you. Miscarried before and a nervous wreck


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Mine is going great! No issues at all 6 weeks today.


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I am also 5w6ds, no morning sickness yet or any other symptoms... First doctors appointment tomorrow. I hope I get an ultrasound so I can get to see baby, cause my lack of symptoms worries me


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5weeks & 6days lack of symptoms. First appointment is next week.


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Mine is going slow. I feel great though. No nausea really, just super tired. But really enjoying it so far.


Demetra • Sep 15, 2015
That's how i was with my son who i literally just had in May. With my daughter, I was nauseated but not even half as bad as with my son. This time around i feel great. Thank you& congrats on your baby!!


SassyTee! • Sep 15, 2015
And congrats on the baby


SassyTee! • Sep 15, 2015
I feel nauseous all the time but not throwing up


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5w 6d nausea, lower back pain, on and off cramping and fatigue. First Doctors Appt. Next Tuesday!!!


Serina • Sep 16, 2015
I'm in the same boat!


Davianna • Sep 16, 2015
My headaches are terrible too! I've never had a problem with headaches until I got pregnant. And I actually don't consume a lot of cheese. Thank you for the tip and congrats!!


SassyTee! • Sep 16, 2015
Same here but the cramps are very mild , headaches are the worst now "try staying away from cheese " I kno it sounds crazy but it will help


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5weeks 5days and boy am I tired!!! No nausea yet thank goodness!! But I'm so exhausted!!


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5 weeks today, having nausea, mild cramps, painful boobs, hot flashes, sensitive sniffer, headaches, and fatigue. It's my first pregnancy so my s/o and I are really excited 😁😁


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Scary! Trying to stay positive until Thursday. 5w2d today, a couple scares already