How many of you experienced acne while pregnant with a boy and not a girl?

We haven't found out the sex yet,  but the old wives tale says acne is most common with girl's…do you ladies agree?  I'm pretty sure I'm having a boy otherwise, but my skin is usually very clear. But since Iv been pregnant it's been worse than ever. I'm 12 weeks 1 day :)
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Opposite for me. My skin was amazing with my son! It's terrible now with my daughter!


Ashley • Sep 16, 2015
Same here, I had bad acne with my son!


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I'm having a boy :) currently 27 weeks and my face is horrible :-/ I honestly believe it's all about your body's hormones and even diet as well... all the wives tales told me I was having a girl! So I was pretty shocked at the ultrasound lol but super happy either way :)


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I'm having cystic acne and having a girl. My skin was much better during my pregnancy with my son.


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Me! Ugh when I was pregnant with my daughter my skin honestly couldn't have been more perfect. My skin looked photoshopped it was so amazing. This time we're having a little boy and my skin honestly has never been this bad. Its terrible!


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With my son I had good skin.


ALEXIS • Sep 16, 2015
Maybe it depends on the person


Emily • Sep 16, 2015
Same here! With both sons


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there not true . But my skin was very clear and I'm having a boy  my doctor straight up told me old wive tales are fake woman need to stop believing those 😂 but they're fun lol


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I have 2 boys and I never had any skin problems 


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When I was pregnant with my son, I had pretty bad breakouts and like you thought that when I was pregnant this time with a girl it would worse - nope! My skins been so clear! 


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I'm having a boy & the first & second trimester my acne was HORRIBLE. The worst it's ever been. But it cleared up the third trimester. 


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My skin was flawless pregnant with my daughter. I got tons of compliments. Now I am 5 weeks pregnant and my chin looks terrible. I have huge cyst like pimples developing. I guess it all depends how your body react to hormones and I don't think it has anything to do with gender.