BJ in a car while driving


So I'm with my husband for the past 10 years, in the last week he was away for a week and I really missed him, we sex talked throught the week. When I picked him up from the airport I gave him a Blowjob on our way home and It felt so good. I would do it all over again in a heart beat. Anyone else did it before ? share your experiences. 
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Ok, so on our way home from a long road trip, I gave my guy a bj as he drove.. Well, it was a two lane highway and as I'm finishing him off, I hear a loud horn that startled me! When I looked up, there was a big rig driving next to us giving my guy the thumbs up! πŸ˜‚ Thought I was going to die of embarrassment! 😱😳


Brittany β€’ Sep 16, 2015
Omg! Haha no shame girl! Our men deserve some excitement!


Ericka β€’ Sep 16, 2015
that's hilarious


Posted at
Hell no. I can't trust my partners driving when it's got his full attention let alone while he's getting head πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


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I've given my husband "road head" lots of times. He even reciprocates and gets me off while he's driving. Talent πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ


Sarah β€’ Sep 16, 2015
My husband has done that too. It's the best hahaha πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌ


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I have!! I love doing it! We call it "roadside assistance" ;))))))


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Did that the day before we were married and said it was the last blow job he'd ever get from Chelsea B_______! (My last name before we married and I took his.) 


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I do it/did it to my hubby. Can't really do it now baby bump is in the way. My hubby loves it and I must admit I do to. Especially when I tell him he has to keep both hands on the wheel. He tries so hard not to touch me.. It's a little fun for us


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We've done it twice on the way home from California. I mean on the highway. Not on a back road. Surprisingly he's able to still handle the car. From the angle I'm at I can't exactly get him all down my throat, but those turns :D he loves it.


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Nope. Don't feel like being decapitated and I'm sure he'd like to keep his junk.


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Tbh I like it cuz hes not as big while he's tryin to drive then he pulls over to cum


karolina β€’ Sep 16, 2015
well with mine it was opposite, I guess the adrenaline of driving and getting caught in The city got him more excited. And he actually came while driving , we managed not to make a mess in the car haha


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Tried it once when we were dating. It was a back country road so we figured no one would see us and he could drive slow, well he got a little too into it and we almost ended up in a ditch