Oh, pregnancy.

With all the sleepless nights, uncontrollable hormones, and baffling changes, it's important to remember to smile and laugh! I think it's fair to say there are things we will say and do while pregnant that may not  happen at any other time...like ever. 
I wanted to share a couple "are you kidding me" moments from my personal journey and hope other mamas (and significant others!) have some smiles to share. 😀
To my husband: "Please stop breathing on me."
To my mom:
And finally, the moment that prompted this post:
Husband: Let me know if there is anything I can do for you. Wake me up if you need me. 
Me: Thanks, baby.
(Fast forward several sleepless hours to 2:30am)
Me: Baby? Darren?
Husband: Yeah?
Me: Could you please get me a pop tart?
Husband: Where are those?
Me: ...the kitchen?
Husband: *crickets*
Needless to say, I got my own pop tarts. I had to pee for the bazillionth time anyway!