My mom has convinced herself

n. • Mommy to one 🍍 3/18/2016 ❤️
That she knows what I'm having and she's already calling the baby a girl.. But I'm actually having a boy. I'm the only one who knows and everyone's been trying to figure out what I'm having.. But my mom is just dead set that I'm having a little princess. I'm planning to do the gender reveal October 4 for our families.. I'm biting my tongue every time she says "oh she's getting so big" or "I have to get this for her room" lol 
I will not cave!! Lol 
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Lol my friend did this...she's one of those people who says she gets 'feelings' about whether it's a boy or girl. She has been texting me non stop saying she knows what I'm.having that it's a girl and she's bought pink clothes....I'm actually having a boy too but we want to keep it to 2 year old son passed away last year and I feel me and my partner deserve this time and this little secret for ourselves.most people are ok with this and now I've learned to say oh no we didn't find out. I don't feel I should have to tell her it's a boy either way but the fact she's gone and bought girls clothes is like what haha.


n. • Sep 17, 2015
I'm sorry for your loss ❤️


Posted at
My mother was in denial with my son lol. EVERYONE in my family always has their girl first. And when I say everyone, I mean from my grandpa's 5 brothers down to my moms 20 some odd cousins and so far in my generation all my cousins except for me have had girls first. Anyway, when I told her what the ultrasound showed she kept saying I was lying lol and demanded I show her the picture. Then she kept telling me "just wait, when the baby's born it's going to be a girl and you're going to feel really dumb buying all this boy stuff." She's crazy about him lol. She wants this one to be a girl so bad she won't even talk about it. If she slips up and says "she" she runs around looking for wood to knock on. She even told my son to stop calling the baby his sister because he's jinxing us lol! We have a week and a half more and we'll know what we're having.


Posted at
My mom wants me to have boy so bad and when she found out I'm actually having Girl she said 'They wrong I know it's boy ' lol


Jennifer • Sep 17, 2015
My mom said the same thing to me!


Posted at
Lol, someone's setting themselves up for a rude awakening! 


n. • Sep 17, 2015
That's what I'm saying


Posted at
My mom was the same way but she was right. I don't think she is doing it to piss you off I think it's their way of connecting more. 


BG • Sep 16, 2015
Hahaha could be! She will be happy either way! I don't know how your able to keep it so long! Lol I only had to wait a week but it was killing me! Everyone kept asking over and over! But it was kinda fun to have the secret too. Congrats!!!


n. • Sep 16, 2015
Either that or she's doing it til I tell her it's a boy lol


n. • Sep 16, 2015
It's not making me mad I'm happy I haven't given it up but I feel like she's gunna be upset cuz she's like looking at girl things all the time and sending me stuff lol it'll definitely be a surprise. 😆


Posted at
My sister was convinced I was having a boy, my momma girl. Needless to say mom was right. My sister was so mad because she's "never been wrong guessing" lol 


Posted at
That Sounds hilarious. My dad was the same way, only he was right.