
To give a run down of my past... Almost Two years ago I had miscarriage a month or so later I found out I had endometriosis stage 2.. Was put on lupron for 5 months.. I let my body go back to semi normal before ttc again while still having painful periods and bowel movements... Fast forward .. Last month I started my first dose of Clomid.. Didn't work and AF showed up late Saturday night... From the time of the first cramp 11:30 pm I did not get any relief until 5am when my husband found my pain meds that get subscribed to me for when endometriosis flares up.. When I say I was in pain I mean it felt like all my lady parts were going to explode.. Went to doc on Monday seen a diff doc in office and she informed me that she would never prescribe me to double the dosage of clomid and was upset that there was no record of me <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> before I started the medicine.. Evidentially my body is very responsive to anything that can alter hormones because clomid made me have an emotional break down while at work,.. I've read that clomid can do cause endometriosis to grow rapidly so this cycle I will not be taking it but continuing to track ovulation... I'm just so frustrated with all this!! Why would one doctor put me through all this hell the past month when I'm already struggling every month. . I know my endo will never completely go away and I've semi accepted it.. I just want to have my wonderful baby. Thanks for listening I just needed to get it out..