Team Green hypnobirth and it's a...

Katherine Grace was born Sunday 9/13 at 1:29am. 6lb 5oz, 19.75 inches of pure perfection. She tried really hard to come on her due date of 9/12 but was an hour and a half late 😍
Our plans for an all natural hypnobirth couldn't have gone better! I had a dr appt Friday morning and was 1-2cm dilated and 60% effaced, and softened cervix. 
I started having contractions at home all Friday evening, then had them slow then Saturday morning, then pick back up Saturday afternoon and evening, which made us and our doula think it was prodromal labor since Fridays contractions hadn't amounted to anything! Except Saturday evening it was the real deal!!! We went to the hospital around 11pm Sunday night, and found out I was 9cm dilated upon arrival. Which explained a lot, as I'd gone through the transition phase of labor at home with my incredible husband as my coach and rock!
Little Katherine arrived not long after. 
We delivered all naturally, with a doula and our ob dr, in the hospital, and I would do it again in a heartbeat the exact same way. 
So happy, thankful and in love ❤️