Due 9/3 born 9/12 Everet Michael

So my body decided that it wasn't going to go into labor on its own or even get ready for it. I was sent to be induced at 41 weeks due to very low fluid. We were admitted 9/10 at 8:00pm and got things going with cytotec around 9:30pm. We were told to rest up in the mean time. They came in around 2:30am fri 9/11 and started the pitocin. 
After that the whole thing was a giant roller coaster! I was handling it pretty well, but baby wouldn't keep a steady heart rate so they had to keep turning down or turning off the pitocin. Then without the pitocin, I wasn't contracting at all. They were pressing me to break my water at 2 1/2cm but I decided to wait and see, I'm very happy that I did. My water broke on its own at 5cm👍🏻 then it got really intense and I got stuck at 5cm. I ended up getting the epidural because the contractions were  too painful to do anything about but yell through them. I've never seen my hubs so scared and I'm glad he supported me to get one. I was at 5cm for 6hrs over night. I had slept through everything that happened at that time because my body was so exhausted, I don't remember much of that time. Sat 9/12 morning they started getting us ready for a c-section because they had to keep turning off/turning down the pitocin and basically having to keep starting over because baby wasn't handling it too well. His heart rate and my contractions weren't matching up in what was occuring. They waited about a half hour and literally EVERYTHING changed! I got a good pattern, his heart rate stayed put and I started to progress, so we waited and he remained great, thank god! A couple hours later, I spiked a fever that didn't come down with Tylenol and they determined I had an infection called chorio and I had to have IV anti-biotics they also found out that there was also meconium. 
I started pushing at about 5:00 and he wasn't coming down too well. They were concerned about his size. I  blessed enough to have the on call OB that did missionary work in the Congo for 8 years and had pretty much seen and done it all when it comes to birthing babies. He was determined that I was deliverable! So I was a crazy awesome pusher and got his head visible in 2hrs. They ended up using forceps to deliver his head with which also came an episiotomy. All I can say is thank god for epidurals!!!!! Lol I felt him come out but without the pain, it was kinda spiritual in a way. Then they plopped this huge baby on my chest. So amazing! He was 8lbs 10oz 20 1/2in at 7:36pm on sept 12th.  
It ended up being a 48hr rough induction. I had a fantastic doula and I don't think we could have made it through as well as we did without her! It definitely wasn't according to any of our plans and just about everything that could happen, did happen.  but he's awesome and I love my little guy and I didn't have to have surgery 😊
I wanted to post my story not to scare you, but as an encouragement that things don't always go like we want them to. We can plan and prepare for what we want, but in the end what really matters is healthy mom, healthy baby. I highly recommend getting a doula for extra support. It was one of the best decisions we could have made during our pregnancy process.