My little girl arrived safe & sound

Lily June Sawtell born 39+2 at 11.58am on 22/9/15. Weighing 8lb 2oz - this was a bit of a suprise, as my fundal height was 3-4weeks behind and all our growth scans predicted she'd be 6-7lbs haha. 
Areived at the hospital at 6.30am this morning and after 4 waiting rooms, finally went through just after 11am. My SO hot to be with my every step of the way and for that I am so grateful. I had a bit of a panic attack with the spinal tap & epidural (not a needle fan) and the nerves just got worse from there. This was my second c-section but nothing could have prepared me for the difference between an emergency & an elective. We are so happy & relieved that she is here & healthy. Wishing all the mums left to deliver good luck.