Holy shit I'm having twins!!!!

Omg dream after dream I thought it was just me dreaming wild when in actuality I am. I can't believe that I will be a mom to 4 in a blink of an eye!! Lol this is a gift but yet I'm scarred to death. This genre reveal party if going to create havoc lmao. 
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I had a dream too before my ultrasound. And sure enough!


Shenika • Sep 27, 2015
Yeah it's crazy! I had a dream I had one of each then I woke up and told my fiancé and he was like ha yeah right it's only one and it's a boy. The tech put their genders in an envelope and now I'm just waiting for my reveal party on Oct 3 😁😁 duper excited. Hopefully one of each or two girls


Posted at
Lol are u gunna tell anyone before the gender reveal or keep twins a surprise 


Amanda • Sep 24, 2015
Make sure to have someone take a video


Amanda • Sep 24, 2015
Lol too funny ....


Shenika • Sep 24, 2015
I'm going to keep it a surprise. I had the tech to take only shots of them apart and so far no one noticed it's actually two babies their seeing. Everyone is going to flip lol. And dad goes "phew glad it isn't twins" lol well surprise surprise


Posted at
If everything works out fine I'll be the mom of three little babies by Mother's Day next year. I feel so adult lol.


Shenika • Sep 25, 2015
Everything will go fine 😊


Shenika • Sep 25, 2015
I know I'm gonna need a big ride!!


Posted at
I'm doing the same thing in a couple weeks!! Lol only my sister and mom know because they will be helping set up the gender reveal party 😊 my family and friends are going to be so shocked I'm having twins!!! Lol I almost passed out finding out I was😂  esp. Because I'm a twin MYSELF! So crazy! My family will go from 3 to 5 lol. Congrats!!! 💕 


Posted at
Congrats! That it happened for me, too...I went from a mom of 1 to a mom of 4 in less than 2 years!


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