Roommate issue! Rant!

Was abruptly woken up by my drunk roommate and her gentleman friend upon their arrival to my home. They proceeded to be incredibly loud, I texted her asking them to keep it down and telling her they had woken me up (this isn't the first time this has happened where I've had to talk to her the next morning about coming home trashed and waking me up). They didn't really quiet down so I got up to use the bathroom and walked into our living room full hookah smoke with the French doors closed. Her "friend" seemed annoyed when I told them to open the doors and that smoke of any kind indoors with me was a no go (figured that was a given since I'm pregnant). So disrespectful, can't wait to move. Oh, and she wants to judge me for trying to work things out with my baby's father and tells me she doesn't respect me for it, like I have a ton of respect for her opinion after seeing the way she conducts herself on a regular basis...