Quit my job..long topic FYI

I quit my job without giving any notice and without finding another job first. I know it looks extremely bad not giving notice, but I was getting so much anxiety. I live in an at will state when it comes to employment, which technically means anyone can quit or be terminated for any reason without any notice..I was only there a few months, and at first I really loved it. Hours were amazing, benefits were amazing and the pay was pretty decent. I'm feeling really lousy though and beating myself up badly about quitting but the job was really starting to infere with my well being and happiness...I know that's probably a stupid reason to quit a job. But ugh. I can't perform how I should be if I'm constantly miserable because of what I'm doing..I know it's gonna be tough for awhile money wise..but I'm hoping to get through it. Has anyone ever quit a job like this for these similar reasons? I just need some words of encouragement/advice. 
Also, since I didn't give notice ahead of time, should I even bother puttin g this place on my resume? If not, how do I account for the time inbetween jobs when I go to interview elsewhere? 
:( :( 😞😞😞😞