Mini rant 😐

Karri • SAHM to Ryan and Sam👬Wife to Aaron💍 United States Navy Veteran ⚓️
Screw wearing bottoms of any kind! Even my underwear are getting uncomfy these days!!!! nothing fits right and everything is so hot! 😓👖
Everyone is over here like oh my baby dropped! While I'm over here with a breech baby slamming it's head into my ribs 😠 
I'm really really ready for my husband to not be gone. He's been gone since April and has been able to come home twice since. I will see him one last time in October. I could really use him here to rub my feet and go to the store for me! 👫
I'm tired of my feet puffing up after a few hours of being in them! 👣⏰
I'm really trying to hold it together these last few weeks but man do I not only want to throw in my towel but maybe lay down and take a nap on said towel 😴 
I know I'm not alone in my complaints! 
Best wishes to those who've got it worse.   
Time to go take a nap with my toddler.