Level 2 ultrasound

Tomorrow we leave to fly to anchorage for our level 2 ultrasound and amniocentesis.   At our 20 week u/s they discovered our little boy was missing a hand. Our panorama came back absolutely normal but it's been about 4-5 weeks since our last appt and the doctor discussed the possibilies of chromosomal anomalies and other health issues associated with a missing extremity. They decided it wasn't ABS which would have made it simple and not so complex.  
I've spent the last month trying to stay calm and not let my mind run wild.  This trip is terrifying and my heart just aches for this baby inside me.  We have had the best support and have been praying for peace. I feel like we are standing at the edge of darkness (the unknown) and it's just about driven me crazy.  We love him like crazy and am just ready to know. 
I'd really love to hear other moms similar experiences.. Whether good or unexpected outcomes. It's nice to know you aren't alone :)