Early Onset Pre-Eclampsia- anyone out there that can give me hope

I' currently at 20wks4days and was diagnosed with early onset pre-e 6 days ago. They usually don't diagnose that early but my BP skyrocketed out of nowhere and meds are actually not helping too much. They brought my BP down from 212/107 to about 149/75 but I still spike above 160/90 sometimes. The protein in my urine went from around 185 to over 1500 and I gained 12 lbs in 2 days due to swelling. I've had specialist check me out to make sure nothing else was going on but all other tests have come back negative so they are now stating it is for sure pre-e. My question, is there ANYONE out there that has a successful pregnancy with pre-e being diagnosed so early? The docs really don't think I'll make it to 24 wks which in there eyes wouldn't be a viable pregnancy but we will see what the next few weeks will bring. The only reason we are even trying is that my babies growth hasn't been affected as of yet which is somewhat hopeful. Just not sure if this is even worth trying for anymore. I've already gone through 3 losses in the past, just don't think I was meant to have a child ;(