PCOS, Adopted, Weight loss surgery now pregnant!

Ashley • Married, mom of 2 boys, due in July with boy #3

I found out at 15 years old I have PCOS. I was around 300 pounds, I never had cycles and had a hard time attempting to lose weight! At age 18 I had lost some weight and was down to about 250, I met my soon to be husband at that age. I got married at 20 weighing about 275 I was in a size 24 wedding dress. Marriage was stressful as was life and I kept gaining weight pretty rapidly. By time I was 23 I weighed around 330, when I was 25 I maxed out at 440 pounds. We then started foster care because I still wanted a child and gave up on losing weight and having my own. I got placed with a baby boy that was 5 days old 5 days before I turned 26. We raised him and he has always lived with us, when he was 2 and half our adoption of him was complete. Then last year in May and June my husband and I had gastric bypass surgery. We both lost plenty of weight over the last year and a few months ago I weighed in at 270, I am now 29 years old I turn 30 in January. I started working in a daycare and next thing I know I started having cycles on my own! I had even tried fertility medicines to help my cycles and nothing. So when my cycles started I started taking ovulation tests. I had a positive Ovulation Test at the beginning of August but missed my opportunity to get pregnant that month. Had another positive test September 2 & 3rd had sex both days and I'm pregnant!

Just wondering if anyone else had a somewhat similar story?