Super long venting!!!

I love my husband very much but seems like no matter what I do and how hard I try to please him.... he will always be a selfish jerk. This man made me quit my job when we had our daughter and now I just stay at home with her. He started working regular hours at work instead of 12 to 16 hrs a day. I was excited about the more time we would spend together.... however that is not the case. He will hang out with his buddy after work or say "hey I going to go hunting." If I say no... he says how he doesn't even have to ask me for permission and he was being nice by telling me. I am pregnant with our second baby and I'm so sick all the time and losing weight every week. I am getting so stressed and depressed because I feel so alone. I don't even have family here to help me since they live states away. I thought about marriage counseling but he won't go for it. I tell him that our family is a priority and he says he needs to go when his friends ask him for help even though I tell him I need his help. He doesn't see it. Our daughter is 11 months old and right when I had her he would constantly ask when I was getting my "sexy" body back... I hired a personal trainer and lost all the weight at 6 months post partum and although I weigh the same as before... my body doesn't look the same in my stomach area. Especially not now that I'm 10 weeks pregnant but he gets so happy when I say ugh I lost 2 or 3 more pounds this week. I used to be a model years ago so now he just tells me about how he thinks some girls from work are hot. I hate it and tell him I don't want to hear that... he says to stop being insecure and to cut it off. To top all of this off... he is the most unsanitary person that I know and I am a germaphobe! I will work on cleaning the house and then as soon as he gets home its completely thrashed again and I'm not even exaggerating one bit. 2 years ago we got a black Labrador and since day 1, that dog only listens to my husband. I used to train dogs before as well so I know that I am ok in that area. The previous owner said that he was a rescue and the wife would beat him so I understand why he favors my husband. Shortly after getting this dog I developed this allergy to him and have to bathe him regularly to not break out in a rash. My husband pays no attention to the dog and it's all up to me. I have tried for about a year to rehome the dog to a better family and my husband will not "allow" it because that's his buddy. I feel like leaving sometimes just to get away from our home for a bit. Idk what to do so I don't go completely crazy!