Taking a break

I never thought in a million years trying to conceive would be so difficult. My husband and I have been married for 9 years, been together for 20. I'm a late bloomer; by that I mean I never wanted children until two years ago.  Now I'm at age 39,  I have seen my OB/GYN who has run test after test and she has come up with a diagnosis of unexplained fertility for me. Husbands count is a little low but not significant enough to have concern, motility is great. This month is my second round of Clomid 100mg and honestly I'm exhausted. I'm tired of trying month after month, charting everything and timing sex with no payoff. I keep praying and I know God has a great plan, just waiting for that plan to come to fruition is frustrating. Guess today I am feeling sorry for myself and maybe a little sensitive. Anyway, I have decided that if it doesn't happen this month then it's not meant to happen. I do know that there are other options, the cost involved make it difficult to try anything beyond what I am doing right now.  I am in my fertile window and we have been doing it everyday, and will soon begin the dreaded two week wait so we shall see what happens. I pray for those that struggle with infertility, I think the struggle will make us appreciate our pregnancy that much more! Thank you all for listening!