Ovulation 😃 and question

tori • 🎀 07-21-16 👶 #2 October 2022
This might be a little silly to be excited about but this is our first time ttc. I went through tonight and lined them all up only to realize I had been getting +Opks since yesterday. My calendar shows "period" which was withdrawal bleeding from stopping BCP the 11TH. Never thought I'd O so quickly. The third from the bottom is yesterday (26th), the second from bottom is today at noon, and the last is today at 8:20. It looks like I've Od or had +Lh surge since yesterday. Today I had a pinch/cramp in my left pelvic area, before we BDd. Hopefully we did enough BDing cause quite frankly we're exhausted ☺ question is when do start the "# day" of DPO?
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Ristari this is all it shows....


tori • Sep 28, 2015
thank you!


Ristari • Sep 28, 2015
it might change in a day or two though so check back!


Ristari • Sep 28, 2015
hmm weird huh? sorry I couldn't help.


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Ok have you entered in your LH surge into glow? If so it should register that you've ovulated in the next day or so. I've been plotting BBT and my dpo is on the bbt chart under the date. I've added a screenshot of my chart in case yours is different.


Ristari • Sep 28, 2015
it doesn't seem to matter if you input data it will still give you your dpo there! I found the bbt an easy way of confirming ovulation had occurred as the OpK can still show a strong positive after your aurge


Ristari • Sep 28, 2015
my charts are under the genius tab


tori • Sep 28, 2015
I've put in the LH surge as yesterday and today, how do I get to my chart? I don't do bbt but thinking if I don't get BFP this morning month, I'll start.


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