Not going as planned

At 35 weeks I started to bleed lightly for a week. Doctor put me on bed rest and told me to come in for an ultrasound Monday. Went in and found out I was 70% effaced and funneling. Came back a week later after being in bed rest and he said I was good to go back to work and to just come back in two weeks for another ultrasound. Went back this past week and found out I was 90% effaced funneling totally and the only good thing was that I had not dilated yet. Now forced to be put on bed rest again and hoping to keep her in my belly til 34 weeks. I am currently 29 weeks and not taking this bed rest very well and afraid of her coming to early. I am a nurse and have seen babies who have come early and seen them in the nicu. This is the last thing I want for my baby girl. We need so many prayers and I just hope she is fat and healthy whenever she does decide to come. Just need to keep her in for 5 more weeks. 
Guess it's time to get ready. Thought I had 10 more weeks but guess our kids decide the date.