Momma's intuition!

Okay ladies! How many of you knew what you were having before you had it confirmed by a Doctor?! 
With my first I knew he would be a boy, and sure enough he was a boy! We found out at 14 weeks! (: 
With my second, I didn't feel either way. Baby was a BOY! As soon as they put the wand on my belly, there he was legs WIDE open. Wanted everyone to know he was a BOY! (: at 16 weeks! 
Now our 4th, our rainbow baby! I have a feeling baby is a girl! I don't want to jinx myself, tho. Haha. We are 14 weeks and 3 days today! We are supposed to find out the 9th of October! (: 
So how many of you thought you were having a certain gender and it turned out to be true?!